A new type of assistance
As many amongst us suffer from reduced hearing, our mission is to help make everyday-life better for the hearing impaired, using cutting-edge technologies.
Of all the modern developments in technology, real-time speech-to-text translation is the most exciting for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
TextHear is a partnership subsidiary of Geemarc and of WellSource. As such, it has a complete set of in-house capabilities both in electronics hardware and software. This way, we can develop and deliver unique and complete solutions.
Although speech-to-text applications have been available for a number of years, most with various limitations, TextHear Personal, looks set to be the most promising and versatile.
It doesn’t need to be ‘trained’ to a particular voice – it works straight out of the box. Furthermore the app adds automatic punctuation & spacing to aid comprehension. Processing is carried out on remotely hosted high accuracy speech-to-text engines.
Download the following PDF file, that has all the technical details for the land-line to captioning app adapter.
ALLY Gesellschaft für Systemlösungen, Software- und Datenbankentwicklungs mbH Buckower Chaussee 106-107
D-12277 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: + 49 30 762 89-210
Fax.: + 49 30 762 89-299
email: bestellung@ally.de
FREE on Android. Unlimited minutes without charge. Enjoy ;)
Unfortunately, we cannot provide the free service on iOS too, because of our own costs chain for providing this service. Pricing for iOS is generally $0.3 per minute. It might differ a bit between countries, and VAT applied. It is sold in 30-minutes packages.
Downloading the app is free though, and it comes loaded with a free half a minute, so you can at least test it before purchasing more minutes.
Prices differ between countries and VAT applied. It's best to contact our distributors (see above) or see the listed price on their website.
We very much value and protect your privacy. We don't store any of your data. We don't share it 3rd parties, other than Google, for the speech-to-text engine. We use the Android's native speech-recognizer - so Android's and your device's maker's privacy policies apply.
This app is given for your usage and enjoyment AS-IS. We do our best to develop the best apps, but, as with any software, we might have errors and furthermore, we rely on Google as our service provider, which might change its software without notice. Therefor, we cannot be responsible for any data loss, or failure in the software's performance. Furthermore, we rely on Google and Android as our speech recognition engine, so changes in their APIs might affect our app's performance. Failures might happen without notice. We encourage you to test the app before purchasing. In general, purchases are not refundable. Subscriptions can be stopped at any time.